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Team Spotlight: Holly Moody, Financial Planner

Heading up our Plymouth office, Holly is one of our Financial Planning team who has somehow evaded being under the spotlight until now. Having been a key part of Goodmans for six years, many of our clients will know Holly well, but we thought now’s a good time as any to get to know her a little bit more.

Holly Moody thumbnail

Hello Holly, not quite sure how you got away with not doing this yet, but we’re here now! Let’s get cracking. How would you describe your work in three words?

Rewarding, challenging, ever-evolving.

Sounds like you’re in the right role, then! What’s been your proudest moment at Goodmans to date?

Probably stumbling unknowingly into a career that I not only love but am actually really good at too! Having applied for what I thought was an admin job in 2015, with no real idea of what I wanted to do with my life, I sometimes have to pinch myself when I think how far I’ve come in that time.

Well, whether by accident or design, we’re glad you found your calling with us Holly. Sounds like this will be an easy one for you to answer then – what keeps you smiling at work every day?

The amazing team I work with and our lovely clients.

Aw, that’s great to hear. What’s on your reading or listening list at the moment?

I listen to a lot of podcasts… current favourites are ‘Table Manners’ and ‘No Such Thing As A Fish’. And as a bit of a ‘Potterhead’, I could read the Harry Potter books again and again – and I do!

There’s nothing wrong with keeping a bit of magic in your life, we say. What else keeps you busy when you’re not working?

I love walking, whether it’s on the coast, the moors or the city, usually followed by a well-earned pint in a pub afterwards! Other than that, I play netball, sea swim, paddle board and enjoy travel and watching rugby. Food and drink is also a passion of mine – my husband is a great cook so we enjoy a lot of nice food at home as well as going out.

That’s an active lifestyle! Here’s a tricky one – what’s the best thing about the South West for you?

Being by the sea! I love living in Plymouth as we have it all – the sea, the moors and nice restaurants, pubs and bars. A great balance of everything I enjoy!

Why pick one thing when you can pick them all?! It is a special spot. How about a quote or phrase that goes through life with you?

Everything will be ok in the end. If it’s not ok, it’s not the end.

Inspiring and empowering stuff, love it. Last question now: if you could give your younger self one piece of advice what would it be?

Don’t try so hard to fit in – one day you’ll just find where you fit and it’ll be effortless.

Good advice to end on, thanks for your time and wisdom, Holly, keep up the good work!


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