
Team Spotlight: Charlotte Brickel, Paraplanner

Written by Fernanda de Gouveia | Nov 7, 2022 4:54:02 PM

Charlotte has been part of our Plymouth team since 2019, so it was about time we put her under the spotlight. As a Paraplanner, Charlotte works alongside our Financial Planners in preparing client reports, outlining how we plan to help them reach their goals and live the life they deserve. With a degree in Criminology and Psychology, she certainly has an eye for detail, and has a particular interest in helping clients with their trusts and pensions – quite handy around here!

Hi Charlotte, let’s get straight to it – how would you describe your work in three words?

Rewarding, diverse and (at times!) challenging.

That sounds like a good balance. We’re sure you have your pick here, but what’s your proudest moment at Goodmans to date?

It has to be passing my first CII (Chartered Insurance Institute) exam to get my financial planning qualifications underway. Now I’m studying for a Pensions and Retirement Planning exam as part of the Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning. Eventually, I’d like to become a Chartered Paraplanner.

You’re well on your way already, so it’s only a matter of time. Can you tell us what keeps you smiling at work every day?

The team that I work with and knowing that we’re doing the best for our clients every day.

We sense a bit of a theme across the team in the answer to that one! Let’s move on from work, what's on your reading/listening list at the moment?

I always read Professional Paraplanning magazine, which helps me keep up-to-date with changes within the paraplanning world. And, of course, my exam text!

Thanks for the recommendation, but we’ll pass on that one... How about what keeps you busy when you’re not working?

I like to make handmade greeting cards. I even have my own craft room at home!

Technical AND creative, that’s a rare gift! We all know that this is a spectacular part of the world, but for you what's the best thing about the South West?

The fact that it’s such a diverse area, and I love being by the sea! Also, the iconic Plymouth landmarks, the Barbican and the Hoe. My favourite landmark is the lighthouse, Smeaton’s Tower.

We’re certainly not short of spots for our postcards, are we? Now, can you tell us a quote or phrase that goes through life with you.

“This too shall pass.” This was Abraham Lincoln's favourite saying, one he once said was applicable in any and every situation one could encounter.

So true… it can apply to anyone at any time – as a comfort when times are tough but also as a reminder to appreciate every moment. Empowering stuff. Can you tell us who your hero is and why?

Definitely my mum – she has been a great supporter of everything that I’ve wanted to do it life.

Not all heroes wear capes! If you could give your younger self one piece of advice what would it be?

Don't put so much pressure on yourself, you’re doing better than you think.

I think everyone can benefit from remembering that nugget of wisdom, every now and then. Thank you, Charlotte, it was a pleasure!

See our other Team Spotlights